Helping people in poverty and need in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and Congo.

June 11, 2022

New Life Family has celebrated his third anniversary with members and friends. It was a huge joy where we presented our actions from the beginning and we thank the founders of NLF and everyone who made it happen.

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January 5, 2022

The NEW LIFE FAMILY, is working with its members to celebrate the end year 2021 between group leaders;local NLF leaders and the communities. That is why we are ending the year 2021 with these partnerships related to the choices of each region.

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February 16, 2021

In our mission Go and tell, every Friday we offers food starting to those who mostly are suffering with hunger.  In addition, deacons and other church members  visit them and discuss the bible with them and pray together. Beyond the poverty, hunger and other worldly challenges we need to have faith and believe in God,. He is the solution to our problems.  Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you (1 Peter 5: 7).
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March 13, 2021

New life Family has offered him at the first time the chicken and with a good management of it, he also offered to others one of the gained chicken.  After New life Family gave him a goats , he has been blessed also to gain 3 goats that were born from the one New life Family offered him, Taking care of each other brings more blessing to us.
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March 23, 2021

They deserve to be happy! New Life Family organizes birthday celebrations for children from vulnerable families. We started a mission to care of children from vulnerable families where we work together with different churches and/or religious organisations and other volunteers in order to take care of children from vulnerable families. Our purpose is to prepare monthly events for birthday celebrations of those children and participate in other activities that show love and care to those children from vulnerable families. 
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April 1, 2021

One of the tragedy that Rwanda had is the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi. There are a lot of survivors in Karongi that need help and in that context New life family members helps them in different  activities including and not limited to helping them cultivating their land, providing food and so fourth!
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April 02, 2021

The children  are the ones who will make the bright future for the new life family.  We have started a program that integrate children, we we teach them how to develop your self while you are a child so that you may have a better future. The program was launched in the branch of Rubavu and Karongi in April 2021. We look forward to the more innovations in this program
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April 22, 2021

The delegates of NEW LIFE FAMILY, Mr. Dieudone and Jean Paul, visited group leaders in Karongi district.  This was inline of enforcing the development of groups where leaders can encourage group members to be more involved in action that can enhance their development. In fact NEW LIFE FAMILY is pleased not only to help them with their daily needs, but also to train them how to develop themselves. NEW LIFE FAMILY delegates had a bilateral conversation, where group leaders also presented their ideas and approaches to solve their challenges
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April 30, 2021

The cows breeding and animal husbandry in easter Africa, especially in Rwanda is one of the important activities that people carry out and it helps the family in different perspectives.  The cows provide milk to the family, the fertilizers that are used in their agriculture activities and in additional, having a cow is a prestige, which also also contribute to the happiness of the family. Chickens provide eggs and meats while goats provide fertilizers and helps also in improving the economy of the family as they develop. As the animal husbandry is developing in Rwanda it is a goal that at least a family have, at least, 1 goat or 1 cow or, chicken, .... In addition it a requirement to have a small house where people will have to conduct their animal husbandry activities. In this context, a group of young people in Rubavu has built such house attached herewith as a good starting. NEW LIFE FAMILY will provides the rests such as cement to finish the house and the husbandry animals such as goats, cows, .... Don't hesitate to give us your support if you can so that we can help them in their projects
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May 25, 2021

After a group of young people in Rubavu started to build house for the animal husbandry activities, Now it is progressing. NEW LIFE FAMILY have started to provide all the rests such as cement to finish the house. While they are completing their construction activities, we look forward for it to finish so that NEW LIFE FAMILY started offering the husbandry animals. We keep our eyes on them so that they can develop more and keep for their dreams come true.
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May 30, 2021

It is very adorable to see how children take their initiative and visit the the old people. NEW LIFE FAMILY empowers the young and children in Rubavu district to help others. They visited a family of an old man and helped him to buy the medical insurance , the so called "Mutuelle de sante". Now he is able to afford the medication and health services whenever he is sick. It is our responsibility to give them hope.
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June 6, 2021

One of NEW LIFE FAMILY group located in Kagarama, KARONGI District continues their mission which was to help everyone in their group to dress well. In fact, the way you look depend also to what you wear. During their development they aim at everyone in their group should have proper clothes. Today they are on a good level where now they have the target of helping each member to buy the mattress
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July 04, 2021

Our members in KARONGI District continues to grow vegetables in the kitchen garden known as "AKARIMA K'IGIKONI", wich result in making children who were in red in terms of poor nutrition to move into green. As NEW LIFE FAMILY MEMBERS and our sponsors who participate in providing donations which help in reducing the poverty and poor nutrition, we are happy for this development
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July 04, 2021

New Life Family have started their activity in Uganda. This group is one of the groups we started to work with.
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October 30, 2021

New Life Family has celebrated its second anniversary in Karongi. Different delegates were invited , leaders and NLF members were present. They were entertained by Prosper Nkomezi, where all the attendees enjoyed his music.

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October 17, 2020

Our aim is to change the lives of the people we care about. In this context, New life Family have  offered goats to different members located in Rubavu district. These goats will help them to grow their economy. They were happy that their lives is improving since they started working with New Life family.
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November 1, 2020

Karongi is one of the districts in western province of Rwanda where the main industry for the people living there is agriculture.
However due to the poverty some people can not afford to get man power to cultivate their land and even if they manage to cultivate, it is hard for them to find the seeds for planting. Therefore one of our groups there are helping their college to cultivate the land and he will be also given seeds for planting so that he can fight against poverty.  Read more

November 10, 2020

New Life Family youth group in Karongi in their everlasting gospel mission, they include as well  helping old people to cultivate their land and help them as well in other daily activities.
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November 16, 2020

When New life Family started operating in Karongi district. These are pioneers that have offered goats and chicken.
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